Serving God, meeting people, and having fun!

For information on any of these ministries or to talk to someone about joining one (or more!) of these groups please contact the church office at (301) 622-5860 or send an email to Someone will get back to you in short order.

Click on the triangle/down arrow to the left of a category to see all the ministries in that category

Worship – What we pray is what we believe

  • Acolytes
    • Acolytes carry the cross, torches or Gospel book in the procession.  Acolytes assist the Priest in preparing for Communion.  For anyone from age 5 to age 90.
  • Altar Guild
    • The Altar Guild prepares the altar for worship and cleans ups after services.  The Guild cares for everything on and around the altar, including candles, communion silver and vessels, linens and hangings, clergy vestments, etc.  Work is done in teams of two people every third or fourth weekend (depending on how many teams we have).
  • Choir
    • The choir provides music for worship at the 10:30 Sunday service as well as other special services.  The Director of Music leads and directs the choir.  No auditions needed to join!  The choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00, September through May.
  • Eucharistic Ministers
    • Eucharistic ministers lead the lessons and prayers and are licensed to administer communion.
  • Lectors
    • Lectors read the first lesson and lead the psalm at worship services.
  • Ushers
    • Ushers greet arrivals at services, take up collections, and guide people to and from Communion.
  • Counters
    • Count and record offerings from Sunday and other services.
  • Worship Committee
    • Works with our Priest-In-Charge to plan worship activities for the year.

Education – Christian Formation for all ages

  • Education for all!
  • Christian Formation Committee
    • Provides input, oversight and support for Christian Formation for all ages.

Communication – Staying Connected with one another

  • Communications Committee
    • Plans and organizes communications with the congregation including email and snail mail (US Postal Mail) as well as (infrequent) robocalls.  Monitors Google business pages to track activity.
  • Social Media
    • St. Mark’s maintains accounts on Facebook and Twitter.  Follow us to stay connected!
  • St. Mark’s Sign
    • Have you seen the new sign in front of the church?   We use that to let the community know what’s going on at St. Mark’s.
  • Website
    • In the past few years we have been greatly increasing our website presence via this website.  Suggestions welcome!

Community – Building and Tending

  • Pastoral Care
    • Provided by our Rector, Visiting Eucharistic Ministers and the Pastoral Care committee, as appropriate. 
  • Fellowship
    • Food, Fellowship and Fun!  The Fellowship Committee plans and carries out parish fellowship events such as the Parish Picnic, Advent Dinner, Mardi Gras Dinner Dance, and other activities.  Lots of work – lots of Fellowship!
  • Coffee Hour Hosts and Hostesses
    • Volunteers who set up and clean up before and after coffee hours that are held after each Sunday service.  Coffee and tea, supplies and packaged snacks are provided by the church; other food may be provided by volunteers.

Evangelism – Welcoming People into our Community of Faith

  • Evangelism/Newcomers’ Committee
    • Welcomes new people to St. Mark’s, helps incorporate newcomers into the life of the community, periodically hosts a newcomers’ dinner.
  • Riderwood Ministry
    • Provides an Episcopal presence in the nearby Riderwood retirement community by the celebration of Holy Eucharist each Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Outreach – Service to the Community

  • Outreach Committee
    • Plans and executes Outreach Activities for the year.  Determines which charitable projects will be supported by budgeted funds.  Ongoing activities include
      • Sandwich Ministry – once a month bag lunches, including a sandwich, fresh fruit, and a snack item are packed and delivered to Elizabeth House in Laurel, Maryland
      • Christmas Angel Tree – gifts are collected for families in the community who need assistance in bringing a cheerful Christmas to their families
      • Backpack Ministry – elementary school supplies are used to fill backpacks for children at the local elementary school who cannot afford these supplies on their own
      • Food Ministry – non-perishable food is collected at Sunday services and distributed to a local food pantry. The parish holds a monthly fresh produce distribution on the first Wednesday of each month, supported by the Capital Area Food Bank and Vietnamese American Services (VAS) volunteers.
      • Community Garden — A newly established community garden provides space for members of the VAS Senior Club and the Parish to plant and tend their own vegetables and herbs.

Financial Oversight – Prudently Managing Financial Resources

  • Financial Oversight Committee
    • Oversees financial transactions, makes recommendations for vestry approval, develops annual budget for vestry approval.
  • Stewardship Committee
    • Plans for year round awareness of stewardship of time, talent and treasure.   Implements the annual Fall pledge campaign.
  • Strategic Development Committee
    • Handles discovery and consideration of opportunities to obtain grants that support programs and projects that otherwise would be difficult to fund.
  • Memorials Committee
    • Determines how undesignated memorial gifts will be used.