Click to Donate Online to Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church via PayPal

The mission and ministries of St. Mark’s are supported by contributions from parishioners, family and friends, members of our community — people like YOU. Your tax-deductible monetary gift will help St. Mark’s continue to make a difference in the world we live in through our various ministries and outreach programs. We are thankful for your support.

Click to Donate Online to Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church via PayPal

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

Thank you for participating in the life and work of St. Mark’s. Your offerings of time, talent and treasure touch others in ways that you cannot imagine. 

You can also make a financial pledge to the church, just click here.

“Freely you have received, freely give.” – Matthew 10:8